Spring Assessments

Forms the originate from and APS account will not be accepted. Forms can only be completed by a student's parent/guardian. 

The SAT Suite of Assessments— the SAT (grade 11), PSAT/NMSQT (grades 10 and 11), PSAT10 (grade 10), and PSAT 8/9 (grade 9)—systematically and progressively measures the knowledge and skills that are essential for college and career readiness and success. Together, the tests reflect meaningful, engaging, and challenging work that students find in the best middle and high school courses taught today. Schools can use the results of the tests to connect assessment and instruction—the backbone of a sound education.  The SAT Suite focuses on a deep understanding of the skills and knowledge shown by current research that matter most for college and career readiness and success. The tests reflect what students are already learning in school and include these key features: